Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Photograph Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Photograph - Essay Example The stretching position she is holding is one that is commonly undertaken by people prior to taking a jog or a brisk walk. The common stretching techniques include taking an upright or seated position, and hold it while either stretching their legs by gently pulling the ankle backwards or touching their toes respectively. The article highlights, through evidence from studies, the disadvantages of stretching before working out. When one undertakes a stretching exercise, they should not do it for more than 30 seconds and it should not be in a fixed position for the entire time. This explains the use of the photo of the woman doing a stretching exercise while seated on the ground. In that story, the photo editor selected a photograph of a woman on the road stretching, seemingly about to take a jog, in which the road acts as the line of the photograph, which essentially creates structure allowing the reader to view the photo from one end to another. This also adds symmetry to the photo which further draws a reader to the photo, and produce shapes, that add depth to a photograph. For this photo, the shapes are created from white rails visible on the left, just off the road. These rails are rectangular and elongated in shape forming a perception of the distance to be covered by the woman when she starts to jog. These two elements go hand in hand to produce depth and structure, allowing the reader to form a perspective on the context of the article i.e. the location or surrounding environment. The young woman seated on the road provides the element of a form that brings three-dimensionality to the photo. Three-dimensionality implies length, width and depth that draw the eye of the reader allowing them to look deeper into the photograph, then develop a perception for example whether they find it beautiful. The photos value enhanced by the shadows and light within a photograph, and these further

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